We use Avid microchips, which can be successfully scanned almost anywhere in the world. Implantation of the microchip is painless and takes only seconds. After your pet has been microchipped, we perform a scan at each veterinary visit to ensure that the microchip is still present and readable.
It's important to remember that a lost pet is not merely an inconvenience, it's the number one cause of pet death in the country. That's why we recommend microchipping every pet. We will not soon forget a Cavalier King Charles spaniel named Chance who was lost in a neighboring town and ended up in a shelter. Once scanned, the pet's owner was notified and the pair was happily reunited.
Nutrition Counseling
Every animal species is different. Because we believe many medical problems can be avoided through proper diet and exercise, the staff at Anderson Animal Hospital offers prescription diets and nutrition counseling as needed for you and your pet.
Why is this important? Pets are living longer, healthier lives than ever before and a big part of that is due to our expanded knowledge of the important role proper nutrition plays in overall health. In fact, nutrition is the biggest health variable controlled by a pet's caregiver.
During your pet's comprehensive physical examination, we evaluate his or her body condition and give recommendations based on what we see.
Prescription Diets
Some pets have more serious nutritional challenges or chronic conditions that can benefit from a special diet. If we identify an issue in your pet, we offer advice and provide information about diets that benefit specific medical conditions such as liver and intestinal disease, bladder and kidney stones, renal failure, food allergies, diabetes, and other conditions.
We carry a diverse inventory of prescription foods. If your pet requires a prescription diet we do not carry, we may be able to order it for you.

Behavioral Counseling
Behavioral problems exist for up to 40 percent of all household pets. These issues are the primary reason why pets are either sent to shelters or even euthanized. The good news is that behavioral problems can be improved with behavioral therapy. Using humane training methods and techniques, it is possible to save animals' lives and enhance their relationships with their human caregivers.
We offer behavioral evaluations and will make referrals to those specializing in behavior modification.
In-House Pharmacy
As the prescribing veterinarian for your pet's medications, we are able to ensure there is a direct link between the exam room and our pharmacy. This means your pet will receive the right medication, at the right dose, in the right form as quickly as possible. We will also be able to easily guide you on the medication's use as well as monitor its effectiveness.
We maintain a complete inventory of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, shampoos, flea and tick control products, and heartworm preventatives to meet the needs of your pet. We also carry a full line of prescription diets.
Ensuring that you have convenient and timely access to competitively priced medications is an important aspect of our veterinary practice. Refills are easy, too. Simply give us a call.